Well, I do anything in the spectrum from electronics to
computing. However, I aim to not have one that is 100% of either; therefore, most of
mine would be a mix of both.
This entire site is a showcase of my projects, not a
guide to how to do them safely. Therefore, for legal reasons, proceed at your own
I coded this site in Visual Studio Code by hand. The
only thing that is not coded by my in this site is the logo (it's an image) and the
CSS. I am using Materialize CSS, it's designed by 3 American collage students.
These days, it is owned by Google to "develop a system of design that allows for a
unified user experience across all their products on any platform.". Read more by clicking
I chose Materialize as it is a lightweight framework which
gives all the basic tools I need to create the site whilst demonstrating my coding
I am also using PrismJS to make code blocks look pretty.
For the
nice looking curves and whatnot, I used Haikei to create them.
What's the fun in using a drag and click site when I can
just code this all by hand and not worry about any costs (apart from this domain
which is from Google domains and costs £10 per year)
If I were to redo this, I would use Nuxt. I only found
out about it after I did the majority of the work, which is a massive blow but hey
ho, it is what it is.
Personally, I want to create a showcase of my
imagination infused in the world of electronics and coding to present to everyone.
However, that is not the only reason, if you have recieved a QR code from me in real
life, you may also know this. This site is my portfolio to show what I can do (for
future employers of course)
Any equipment that is used just for a certain project
will be listed in the page. However, for every project, I do use my computer to do
the coding as well as any CAD. All CAD is done in Autodesk Inventor as I have free
student access. Any equipment that is used just for a certain project will be listed
in the page. However, for every project, I do use my computer to do the coding as
well as any CAD. All CAD is done in Autodesk Inventor as I have free student
accsess. For any 3D parts printed, I use my Ender 3 V2 neo. For soldering, I use the
PINECIL Smart Mini Portable Soldering Iron V2 due to the compact size and the fact
it can reach upto 400 degrees celcius. If I do ever get a safe space to work on
batteries, I would get my hands on a spot welder. If you do wish to contribute to
help, feel free to donate below. For any 3D parts printed, I use my Ender 3 V2 neo.
For soldering, I use the PINECIL Smart Mini Portable Soldering Iron V2 due to the
compact size and the fact it can reach upto 400 degree Celsius. If I do ever get a
safe space to work on batteries, I would get my hands on a spot welder. If you do
wish to contribute to help, feel free to donate below. Your support is greatly
Linked to all of my posts is a GitHub discussion form
where anyone can post anything related to said blog there.
Click here for
the main page.
As this site is on the great internet, I've decided to
use an online alias instead of my real name (as well as any specific personal
information). All in the good name of privacy. However, if you got a business card
with a QR code to this site, you'll find my real name there.
Nope, just a student. However, if you are a business
looking to hire an inturn, then my business email is listed below.
I draw my inspiration from a wide range of places; one
of the main places I get it from is where in my life I have been inconvenienced by
something where I can create something to combat the inconvenience. Another one is
inspiration from social media, where I see something amazing which I also want.
If you got any fun ideas, feel free to drop an email and I will try my best to
respond in an orderly manner.
Firstly, to my family, thank you.
Secondly, my
Lastly, special shoutout to Gogy, just in general knowledge and a
friend I can bounce ideas off.
Feel free to ask away or give any ideas. I am
all ears to new outlooks of life
If you geniuenly have a brilliant idea that no one has
done before, wouldn't you rather a professional who can diverge more of time instead
of me?
Fun tool, definatly will replace some humans. However,
it isn't something that should be relied on fully. For example, if I were to run an
introduction to coding class, I'd use an extremely basic IDE, like IDLE (Python) or
something on that calliber. Once someone has a good grasps of what they are doing,
then I don't really have any objections to them using AI or other tools to assist
Not really, AI aren't human. They can't effectively
judge what a client wants in their work as most people are terrible at conveying
their ideas across the table. Even with AI, the developer will never know what
exactly the client wants.
Essentially, I do not want to go down that route for
now. Currently, I want to expand my knowledge and keep exploring. Starting a
business creates restrictions that limit what I can do. Also, I am still a
university student, I don't plan to drop out and risk it all on a start up which may
or may not work. At the end of the day, I want to be able to call myself "The