About me

Long story short, I am a student who studies electronic engineering and computer science, thus, enabling me to be able to create anything my heart desires.


What's the point of all of this?
Here, as an engineering student, I have created a platform to express my creative desires. In my opinion, engineering is a creative field that combines elements of mathematics and more. This website serves as a medium for me to showcase my ideas, projects, and works in progress. It's a testament to my dedication and ambition, as I continuously strive to expand my knowledge and push my limits. This site itself is coding entirely by hand by me, to prove that I can code. However, I am not a frontend developer; therfore, the site isn't as nice compared to one I can make if I used a website builder. I sincerely hope you enjoy exploring this platform and everything it has to offer.

About Me

Who am I?
I am currently a student pursuing a dual degree of electronic engineering as well as computer science at university somewhere in the UK. To quote my lovely head of my course, it's 2/3rds mathematics, 2/3rds electronic engineering and 2/3rds computing. Some people may be wondering, why? Well, it's mainly because I am facsinated by things that move such as the treads of a conveyar belt or the joint of a robotic arm as it moves in a set direction. These marvels of engineering require both a good grasp of coding as well as electronic knowledge, thus my reasoning to pursue this degree.


Contact me

For all enquiries, please email me at: [email protected] OR click here.

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